*This product was sent to me for review in exchange for my honest opinion
Hey lovelies, Monday has almost come and gone, but I managed to fit a post in before the day has ended!
I have for you today some very interesting nail foils that I absolutely LOVE from KKCenterhk. So let's get to it!
The most interesting thing happened with these. I used Jessica - Black Matte as my base, then used the Beauty glue that came with the nail foils, slapped the foils on, and proceeded to use top coat...
...and this happened! The nails with topcoat turned from reddish/orange to blue! I marked the nails, as you can see, above.
I always recommend using top coat, (Seche Vite is my choice) with nail foils because they otherwise shed off really easily. I'm not sure if it was the Seche Vite or what, but I was definitely surprised when it happened!
The shiny effect that these foils have isn't exactly mirror, and they look a bit textured (though that could just be my error in applying them!), but I still love the effect they give!

That's so cool that they changed color upon applying top coat on top. It looks great both ways too.